How to charge a Reservation after it got Modified?
When using automatic payments, the charges with automatic charges are created when Hostaway receives the reservation. The total of the automatic charges should be 100% of the total amount of the reservation. But how does it work if a guest changes a reservation?
If the guest makes any changes (dates, number of guests, etc) it will also update the reservation total. However, depending on the use of the remaining balance or not in your auto-charges template it will update or not.
In the event, that the total reservation sum is less or more than the total of paid and scheduled charges a warning is shown behind the reservation to adjust the balance or manually charge an additional amount by adding this as a new manual charge or updating a due charge.
The system will check if your charges equal the total of your reservation. In the case that it is not, the system will mark a charge as Failed. You can only charge manually.
The reason we do not charge automatically is to not charge more than the guest should and to avoid complaints to you.
Having the Right Notifications On
For you or your users, you should make sure to have notifications for "Reservation is modified" selected, so you will be notified when a modification has been done.
You have Notifications on Payment as well:
Add card failed: The Channel could not send the card. The reason can be found in the Reservation > Payment
Charge failed: The charge has failed. The reason can be found in the invoice with the failed charge
Pre-auth failed: The reason can be found in the invoice with the failed charge
How to charge the difference to your guest?
Review that the reservation breakdown making up the total reservation sum is correct
Review if you have an adjusted remaining balance charge due to be paid that completes the 100% reservation sum to be charged
In the event you wish to charge manually a new amount add it as a manual charge to the reservation
If you are trying to add an extra charge for a credit card payment on a reservation, but the payment is not going through and the 'Retry' option is not working, the issue is likely due to the additional charge exceeding the reservation's outstanding balance. To resolve this, you should first add the extra charge to the reservation's financial fields before attempting to process the payment.
To resolve the issue of a manual charge doubling the invoice, you can cancel the failed charges that were automatically generated due to the Auto Payment feature. Go to the reservation details, scroll down to the 'Payments' section, locate the failed charges, and click the three dots on the right side to cancel them. This will remove the duplicate charges and correctly record the manual payment made by the guest.
Charging for Additional Amenities
To charge guests for additional amenities without affecting the total reservation amount, you can add the charges as a manual fee on the reservation. Go to the reservation, click 'Edit/Modify', scroll down to the 'Financial fields and formulas' section, and click 'Add' to add the additional charge. This will ensure the total reservation amount is not affected.