The New Guests Payments Module comes with many improvements and new functionalities.
Payment status
The Payment status is the amount the guest has already paid.
We have 4 types of payment statuses:
- Paid. The total price was paid. This includes some cases where more than the total price was paid too
- Partially paid. Only a part was paid
- Unpaid. Nothing was paid
- Unknown. We imported the reservation but we don’t have these details (, Expedia, iCals, CSV imports, including Vrbo); it changes to partially paid or paid when a charge is added
When OTAs take care of the payment, we generate an auxiliary charge to reflect the guest-paid amount. Therefore the logic is as follows:
- Internal channels (direct, booking engine, WordPress, partners, google), Vrbo, Expedia, and usually (when we receive CC or VCC details): We’ll base it completely on our system charges
- Airbnb, Marriott, (when we don’t receive CC or VCC details): We generate an auxiliary charge with the method “OTA payment”
The Payment Status is visible inside and outside reservations
- Inside Reservations
- A status tag next to the reservation status
- Payment Balance bar. It only considers due, paid, awaiting confirmation, and failed charges there. Not created charges will appear as “remaining charges”. There is a different color for each status
- List charge timeline. They are represented by a dot (charge) or square (pre-auth). It is possible to do some actions for each of them
- Next to the progress bar, a warning message will be displayed when the system detects that it has or is going to charge over the total price, or vice-versa: when the system detects that some charges may be missing
- A tooltip for each different case will be displayed to help understand where the numbers and charges come from
- Inside reservations, we have a section called “Payment” consisting of these details, a min table with the charges and the available actions per charge, and the credit card options
The “Is paid” option will not be visible in the reservations. We will only have one dropdown for all reservations with the different payment statuses: Paid, Partially Paid, and Unpaid.
Note: This status can be manually overridden if needed. If it happens, a warning will explain that this status needs to be manually handled from now on
- A status tag next to the reservation status
- Outside Reservations
- Reservations Report. This is useful to understand if a reservation has already been paid for. You can easily check that in the column Payment Status. If you do not see that column make sure to click on the gear icon on the top right and find and select Payment Status. You can also visualize additional Columns like Balance, Remaining balance, and Paid amount. These columns will also appear in the reservation CSV files.
- Inbox
- Calendar
- Reservations Report. This is useful to understand if a reservation has already been paid for. You can easily check that in the column Payment Status. If you do not see that column make sure to click on the gear icon on the top right and find and select Payment Status. You can also visualize additional Columns like Balance, Remaining balance, and Paid amount. These columns will also appear in the reservation CSV files.
What are the changes in the system when using the New Guest Payment Module?
- Invoices. Invoices are generated per reservation and they will reflect the last changes of the reservation. Auto-invoices will not exist anymore when using this new guest payment module. Instead, we'll have auto-payments (see point 5 below). Invoices can be found:
- Inside the reservation
- In the charges table → You can filter By reservation view
- In the Guest Portal
Below is the screenshot of an example PDF Document Download.
The invoice number is unique per reservation, and has a “version”. So if the reservation or template becomes updated after a previous invoice was generated in the past, well change the number (in the example below, it would become Invoice #15442710-2) for the next reservation's invoice.
- Inside the reservation
Receipts. Each charge has a receipt, and it can be downloaded in a PDF. A template can be set for Receipts as well, and a PDF can be downloaded for each of them. These are visible:
Inside Reservations
- In the charges table
- In the Guest Portal (only for paid charges)
Below is the screenshot of an example PDF Document Download
Note: You can choose if you want to show or not invoices and receipts in the Guest Portal
It is possible to choose if you want to show invoices and when: Always, After check-in, After check-out, or After fully paid. It is also possible to select the channels. i.e.: You prefer guests to still get their invoices from Airbnb, but not for the Booking Engine or Direct Bookings. And only after they have fully paid. Receipts for paid charges can be hidden as well. By default, both options will be turned to ON and all channels selected for new listings.
- Offline Charges. For many reasons, payments can happen outside Hostaway: bank transfers, cash, credit card payments not going through Hostaway, etc. We introduced payment methods for charges that will generate “offline charges” and behave in a very similar way to current charges. The main difference is that these will need to be 100% managed manually by you.
Charges table
The charges table contains all statuses of charges
Filters can be applied
CSV reports can be downloaded according to the selection
Columns now can be drag&dropped and sorted by their values
Actions are also possible from this table
We added a “by reservation” grouped view where it shows any reservation that contains charges based on the filters that you have selected. It gives an overview of the payment status for the reservation, and if unfolded it will show the charges it contains. The CSVs will always be the same, no matter the view you have selected
- Auto-payments. In the new guest payment module, the invoice and charges will not be together. Charges will not belong anymore to an invoice but to a reservation. This affects Auto-payments
Channels can be multi-select.
Remaining balance: We added a “Remaining balance” type of amount, on top of percentage and flat. This is a smart auto-charge whose value will adapt in case other charges are added or the total price changes. This is very useful to cover cases such as reservation alterations (dates got extended or reduced, we added manually extras, increased the value of some price components, etc.).
Only one remaining balance per reservation should be applied (and can only be added automatically, not by manual charge).
Based on this option some suggested setups are:
50% at reservation time + Remaining balance at check-in
50% at reservation time + Remaining balance at check-out
100% at reservation time + Remaining balance at check-out (generally will be 0, but it would collect any pending items; doesn't cover well reductions, however)
Keep in mind that extras purchased via the guest portal generate immediately a charge for the purchased amount.
- Document Templates. We added a section to customize the templates for Receipts and Invoices. They have very similar options, but the highlights are:
- Logo
- Colors
- Information
- This data can be listing-specific, so it will adapt based on what is set on the listing level
- It has a preview that adapts (or sets place-holders when we need specific information)
Note: Only one document template can be set per document type (receipt/invoice)