Show your reviews in the Booking Engine
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Find out more on How to create a Hostaway Booking Engine.
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Displaying reviews in the Booking Engine
By default, all channel reviews are shown in the Booking Engine. To hide/display a review in the Booking Engine please follow the next steps:
- Go to your Hostaway Dashboard > Reviews
- Under the "Show in booking engine" column > Click on the toggle
- Ratings are based on visible reviews on the Booking Engine
- When you (un)hide a review in Hostaway Dashboard it will take a minimum of 10 to a maximum of 30 minutes to update the review ratings in the Booking Engine
- The 'toggle' is an action button that reflects the current display status, either showing the review on your website or not. If it's not selected, it means it's not visible on the website, but if it's selected, the review is currently active and visible on your website
- For all average score calculations, we take into account all published reviews, but we can't show reviews if they don't have text or if they are from Airbnb, so the final rating shown on the listing can mismatch the real amount of reviews.
Edit a review
You can edit a review by pressing the pencil icon next to the review:
- For Hostaway reservation reviews all fields are editable
- For OTA reviews (Airbnb,, or Vrbo) only the reviewer name field is editable
- The reviewer name field is taken from the guest first name field from the reservation
- If the reviewer's name is empty, then the review will be displayed as Anonymous
Important note on Airbnb reviews
Due to Airbnb's T&Cs, Airbnb reviews are hidden in the Booking Engine. However, they are still used for average rating calculations.
Where are reviews being placed in your Booking Engine?
Reviews in the Booking Engine are displayed in different places:
- On the homepage - The average rating is shown on the listing card:
- In the listing page - the average rating appears on the first image, in the booking widget (with a link to the reviews section), and in the reviews section (above the map):