Reply to a Vrbo guest review
On Vrbo, guests can leave a review after check-out and you will be able to reply and rate the guests starting on the reservation’s check-out date as well.
To reply to a Vrbo guest review please follow the next steps:
- Go to your Hostaway Dashboard > Reviews > Manage Reviews
- Select the reservation/review row and scroll right to the end
- Click on the reply arrow
- Type the message
- Click Send
- You can respond to guest reviews directly from the Hostaway Dashboard
- Hosts can rate the guests starting on the reservation’s check-out date
- Vrbo checks both guest-to-host and host-to-guest reviews before they are published, and this process can take up to 14 days
- Make sure to answer in English or the review language
You have 14 days to submit a guest rating; after this period, the rating expires and you will not be able to rate the guest via the Hostaway Dashboard
- Hostaway system can retrieve active and past reservations for Airbnb and publish the reviews related to these bookings in your Booking Engine, however, since Hostaway does not import past Vrbo reservations it's impossible to retrieve those reviews
- If a reservation was made before mapping the listing with Vrbo and the guest review was submitted after mapping, that review will not be displayed on our end