Calendar FAQs
Please see relevant information and answers to frequently asked questions below about Hostaway Calendar.
How do I change multiple dates in my calendar at once?
Updating rates and availability for multiple dates is easy with Bulk Update in Calendar.
How many years in advance is the calendar available for?
In your individual and multi-calendar, you can view up to two years of data into the future. However, for months and days that are not yet released because they are more than two years into the future, you will not be able to make adjustments yet. The software will prevent you from doing so.
Can I set the minimum stay on the calendar?
It is possible to set a minimum stay of up to 200 days in the calendar. This feature will be synced with API-connected channels that support this update. However, when using Expedia, the maximum minimum stay allowed is 27 days. Any minimum stay set higher than 27 days will be converted to the maximum length of stay (LOS) allowed on the Expedia channel.
Can I set the monthly calendar view to start from today's date?
Yes, you will be able to view the upcoming 35 days from today.
How often does the calendar sync to the different channels?
Hostaway synchronizes with various channels frequently. Channel Sync Timing
How do I manage my calendar?
We offer two ways to manage your calendar - single listing or multi-calendar view.
How can I use the calendar to effectively manage my tasks?
The tasks feature on the dashboard is integrated with our calendar, allowing for seamless task management and scheduling.
How can I prevent certain dates from being booked on my calendar?
We've made it simple for you to block dates on your calendar, ensuring that guests cannot access your properties on those days. Here's how to manually block dates.
How to create direct reservations on the calendar?
Not only can you create reservations through our various channel partners, but you can also create them directly through the dashboard.