How to cancel a charge?
Charges added to a reservation can have various statuses. Charges in status Due, Failed, or Paused can be edited, retried, or canceled by the charge-specific menu options. Charges added or converted to Status Paid can not be canceled. During Q2 2023 a new refund, correction module will be put in place for these paid status charges.
From the Reservation details view
Select the charge that has a Due, Failed, or Paused status from the charge timeline.
In the dropdown, you will see the option to cancel the charge, retry or resume charging.
For Paid status charges at this time you will not be able to refund or correct them directly. It is recommended at this time to make sure when adding a charge with the status Paid that all details are correct. When a charge still needs to be removed provide the reservation and charge-specific details to the Hostaway support team by submitting a request asking to remove a Paid status charge for you. This may take a couple of days and we do our best to release the new module during the end of Q2 - Early Q3 2023.