How to calculate Vrbo commission?
For Vrbo, Hostaway calculates the HostChannelFee.
Please follow the next steps:
- Go to your Hostaway Dashboard > Listings > Edit > Financial Settings
- Scroll down > Other > Vrbo Host Channel Fee
- Fill in the percentage you would like to apply
- It will calculate the Vrbo commission on the Base Rate and other fees
- Please note that it will only calculate for newly received reservations
- Save
How does Airbnb Cancellation Payout work?
- When a reservation is canceled, Airbnb sends us an AirbnbCancellationPayout
- Until July 2024, we only updated a limited set of financial fields when an Airbnb cancellation occurred, often keeping the original values if they weren’t reported
- However, Airbnb has improved its cancellation reporting, and now we will update all financial fields based on the latest received values for any relevant financial field
- Depending on the applicable cancellation policy, some values may remain the same, some may decrease, and some may disappear entirely.
- The cancellationPayout financial field will likely be the most useful one for understanding how much a canceled reservation will bring
- If you wish to add canceled reservations in your reports, remember to select the status Cancelled
- Also, it may be a good idea to use the AirbnbCancellationPayout in your formula(s).
Does the Financial Reporting feature work for iCal reservations?
No, iCal reservations will not be considered in this report.
The Financial Reporting is incorrect for Hostaway reservations, why?
For Direct Reservations made before the activation of this feature, the field data might be incorrect, especially if you have changed manually the total. For reservations made after, you can edit the breakdown. To learn more please read this article.
In Analytics, how can I see a different interval?
For the main graph in Analytics, we use these intervals:
- From 1 to 29 days, we show 1-day intervals
- From 30 to 60 days we should show 2 days intervals
- From 61 to 90 days, 3 days intervals
- Then it will show the monthly
Is it possible to change the Financial Reporting currency?
Currency is always displayed in the same currency of your Hostaway listings. Financial Reporting currently does not support multi-currency or currency conversions.
What type of taxes does Airbnb report?
Airbnb reports taxes in 2 levels: Generic (Airbnb transient occupancy tax or Airbnb pass-through tax, that can contain other specific taxes) and Specific (ie Tourism Tax (Can - Quebec Hotel)).