To visualize your Analytics you should go to Financial Reporting > Analytics. Analytics is a visual report that shows you financial information in different ways, different charts, so you can analyze how your listing is performing.
At the very top, you can find the main filter bar. You can filter by:
- Listing
- Tags. Create tags for your listings and organize them in groups
- Time frame. From and To filter
- Quick Dates
- Channels. If you only want to see information from Airbnb, if you only want to see information from Vrbo you can. If you only want to see direct bookings, you can
The system will show you financial information based on what you have selected within your filters.
As you can see below, under the filters, you will find a bar with general information:
- Rental Revenue is based on the formula you set up in Financial Settings. You can modify the formula if you would like this bar to show you different information. Based on check-in dates
- Nights Booked are the total nights booked on the selected period
- Occupancy Rate is the calculation of Nights Booked*100/Total Nights Available for the period. You can find this value on the Occupancy Report tab by selecting it on the gear icon as well
- Average Daily Rate is the calculation of the base rate divided by booked nights for the selected period
- Average Revenue per Stay is the result of dividing the total revenue by the number of bookings within the selected period
Except for Rental revenue, you cannot change that configuration, but you can filter by listing or period as explained above.
Hover your mouse over each figure and you will see where the data comes from.
Then you will find a second filter bar with filters that will modify only the two charts immediately below, one that shows progress on dates, and another pie chart that shows reservations received per channel.
The first graph is created by the chosen formula (by default Rental Revenue, but any formula can be selected).
You can also filter by event (check-in, check-out, reservation creation, and calendar) as we offer in Rental Activity.
Then you will find another five charts based on the main filter at the top:
- Rental revenue per channel. The reservation revenue for each channel for the listing
- Booked nights per channel. The booked nights per channel for the listing
- Rental revenue per reservation per channel. Average rent per stay for each channel
- Check-ins by channel. Number of check-ins based on "check-in date"
- Reservations per channel. Percentage of reservations based on "check-in date"
If you scroll down, you will also see upcoming dates. You can do a comparison of how your listing is doing now with how your listing will be doing in the next few months. And you can prepare yourself or even work on a strategy to get your next few months a little bit higher. So in short, again, this is a great tool to compare your listing now against how it will do in the next few months.
In this bar, you will only have the option to filter by dates, and the values are Rental Revenue, Nights Booked, Occupancy Rate, Average Daily Rate, and Average Revenue per Stay (Hover your mouse over each figure and you will see where the data comes from).