Occupancy Report
Occupancy Report is a report that shows you the occupancy for all your listings.
The report shows you the nights available, nights booked, owner stay nights, occupancy rate in percentage, and your total check-ins for the time frame that you're looking at.
On the right-hand side of your last column, you have a little gear icon as the Rental Activity report and right there you can choose a few additional values that you can display within your report. Including canceled reservations, percentage of canceled reservations, and revenue among others.
All the resulting values are based on calendar dates.
This report can also be downloaded into a CSV which format is Excel for Windows or Notes for Mac.
How to use an Occupancy Report?
You can find the Occupancy Report in Financial Reporting > Occupancy Report.
Customizing the Occupancy Report
You can customize the layout of the Occupancy Report to focus on specific information that meets your needs. You can choose which data fields to display, adjust the order of the columns, and apply filters. This allows you to highlight the most relevant details and improve your overall understanding of the report.
Listings. Select the listings you would like to display in the report
Tags. You can filter by tags previously created by you
Date Selector. You can select the dates you would like to visualize
Quick Dates. This is a quick date selector
Channels. Choose the channels you would like to display in the report
By month. If selected, the report will show you per listing, per month. If not selected, the system will aggregate the occupancy per listing
Consider blocked dates. If selected, the report will consider blocked dates
Nights Available. The system will only count available nights, not blocked nights
Nights Booked. Amount of days of that period that had at least one booking
If a reservation covers several units for the same dates, Hostaway will only consider the number of booked dates the reservation covers as occupancy, regardless of how many units the reservation ID uses. For example, if there are 8 units available in a week, Reservation A takes 4 units and Reservation B takes another 4 units for the whole week, then Hostaway will consider an occupancy of 14 days for that week. Because it's counted as 2 separate 7-day reservations in the same week, regardless of the units used.
Occupancy rate. Nights booked * 100 / total nights
Total check-ins. Amount of check-ins that took place during that period
Revenue. The sum of all accommodation fees in that period. Accommodation fees normally include base rate, taxes, and fees, but depend on the used formula
Revenue/nights booked
Revenue/nights available
Cancellations. Amount of canceled reservations in that date range. The system will consider reservations with canceled status for that check-in time
Cancellation percentage. Amount of canceled reservations / (amount of total reservations + canceled reservations))*100
You can drag and drop the fields to build views that work better for you.
If you would like to know how many guests are currently staying, in Quick dates, select Today. Check the total Days Booked and it will show you how many guests are currently staying.