Rental Activity
In Financial Reporting > Rental Activity, you will be able to find all the information based on formulas that you have previously created and raw reservation financial fields like the base rate.
With the filtering option, you can select the fields/columns you would like to visualize
- Listings. You can select 1 listing, multiple listings, or all if you do not select any listing
- Channels. You can select 1 channel, multiple channels, or all if you do not select any of them
- Statuses. You can select 1 status, multiple statuses, or all - We advise selecting New and Modified or Confirmed (=new + modified)
- Event: check-in/check-out/creation/calendar- The CSV file is downloaded considering which event is selected
Rental Activity
You can see the Financial Reporting per Listings or Reservations.
Per Reservations
You can add columns by clicking on the gear icon at the right hand:
- Guest > Guest name
- Arrival Date > Check-in
- Departure Date > Check-out
- Reservation Data
- Reservation ID
- Reservation Status
Download report
You can choose to apply the current filters or not. If you don't, we will send all the information, for all reservations, from the beginning.
- Reservations report: 1 line per reservation with 1 column per item- Regardless of the filters a consolidated report will show important information such as:
- Reservation ID
- Guest name
- Channel name
- Reservation status
- Payment method
- Paid
- Arrival date
- Departure date
- Listing name
- Reservation date - Listings financial report: It will mirror what you see on the page. You will get the report per listing
- Reservation line items: You will get 1 line per reservation and item. So if you have 15 items, you will have 15 lines for 1 reservation
Note: You can drag & drop the fields so you can build views that work better for you on the system. However, the downloaded reports do not match the column arrangement yet