This page provides an overview of the Reservations feature and how to manage it.
Reservation Statuses
- New: Confirmed reservation
- Modified: When a reservation is modified (rates, dates, number of guests, etc.)
- Confirmed: New + Modified reservations combined we call them "confirmed" to show in the dashboard
- Canceled: You canceled a reservation (direct or website reservations) or canceled via one of your channels or the guest canceled it
- Pending: Airbnb only - A guest has entered credit card details on Airbnb and is waiting for your approval
- Awaiting Payment: Airbnb only - The guest is approved but Airbnb is waiting for a payment method
- Declined: Used for declined pending reservations
- Inquiries: Question from a guest who hasn't booked yet (you can pre-approve guests)
- Expired: reservations requests coming from Vrbo or Airbnb that had not been accepted or transformed into confirmed reservations. It's expected behavior for Hostaway to block the intended reservation dates for reservations in an "Expired" status.
Using the More filter feature under Reservations, you can simultaneously filter for more than one reservation status.
Note that you:
- Cannot cancel a reservation (except if Hostaway Direct/Booking Engine/WordPress) - Read more here
- Cannot delete a reservation - Read more here
- Cannot modify the check-in/out dates (except if Hostaway Direct/Booking Engine/WordPress)
If a reservation has been canceled/modified by the channel but not in Hostaway, contact our Support Team with the guest name, check-in date, and Hostaway reservation ID.
How to Modify Reservations
There are several ways to modify a reservation from Hostaway. You can change a reservation from the calendar or the specific reservation. Some platforms such as Airbnb and require you to go to their platforms to make any reservation changes. Please watch the video below to learn how to modify reservations.
Reservation Payment Status
In the video below, we will show you how to view and track the payment status of reservations in the Hostaway platform. Knowing the payment status of each reservation will help you stay on top of your finances and ensure a seamless experience for your guests. We'll cover everything you need to know to quickly find and interpret payment statuses so you can efficiently manage the financial details of each booking.
Inquiries - Airbnb
- Inquiry: This is a question sent from a guest who is not ready to book yet. You can pre-approve the guest in the Reservation details
- Inquiry Pre-approved: This is a pre-approved inquiry. It means the dates are reserved for the guest, and the guest has 24 hours to confirm the booking
- Inquiry Timed-out: If an inquiry is not answered within 24 hours, it will time out automatically
- Inquiry Not Possible: This is rare but is used when a guest makes an inquiry that is later deleted. For example, a fraudulent guest account might get deleted after the inquiry was made, and this status is a result of it. Or these dates can't be booked
Inquiry Denied: This is a guest who wanted to book, and the host denied it. Airbnb only releases email and phone numbers once a reservation is approved/Accepted by both parties
Inquiries - Booking Engine and Google Vacation Rentals
Please read this article about how to approve inquiries and pending reservations on Hostaway coming from both the Booking Engine and Google Vacation Rentals.
Inquiries - Vrbo
Please read this article about how to manage inquiries coming from Vrbo.
Difference between Pre-Approval and Approval
- Pre-Approve: A guest has contacted the host about specific dates and the host has responded by inviting them to book the dates. If there is an inquiry coming from the guest but without any credit card yet entered - this guest can be pre-approved by the host. If the guest accepts the pre-approval request within 24 hours their reservation will be confirmed
- Approve: If there is a reservation request wherein the guest has already provided their credit card details, and the guest is ready to book without further questions, this can be approved by the host
Partner Reservations
Reservations that are received from partners i.e. ICND use of the public API are recorded under the new channel "Partners".
Financial fields and formulas
This section is under the main reservation details and is visible to admin-level users only. It includes the relevant financial fields and formulas that apply to the reservation, allowing for a quick dive into the numbers per reservation. This brings the power and flexibility of Financial Reporting to the reservation page, where it is more easily accessible and can help with troubleshooting as well.
Read more about Financial Reporting.
Custom fields
Some property managers want to have additional fields in their reservations. You can add any fields you wish, and use them in Message Automation.
Mobile App
It is possible to edit reservations in the Mobile App. For that, go to a reservation and on the top-right of the screen click on the the three dots.
The editing options and limitations are similar to the existing ones in the dashboard. This is especially useful for adding host notes, modifying the number of guests, check-in/out dates (for some channels), and phone numbers.
You can also check and update the following via the Mobile App:
- Door codes
- Reservation Cancellation
- Accept inquiries from the Booking Engine through the Inbox