Pause an Expedia Reservation in Hostaway
The Hostaway channel manager offers the option to set an Expedia reservation in Freeze mode. This allows you to edit the reservation manually inside Hostaway to update your listing calendar with the latest information.
When do you need the Freeze option?
Under some circumstances, an Expedia reservation can be excluded from the status update by the channel manager. In these cases, changes applied to the reservation on the Expedia or Expedia partner channel's end will no longer be provided by the API connection. The Expedia API doesn't provide this status change to the channel manager software.
When does this happen to an Expedia reservation?
Typically this happens when an Expedia customer support agent needs to make adjustments to the reservation on behalf of the customer or property owner. For example, when the guest contacts the helpdesk and asks to cancel the reservation for them or shorten or extend the days.
When this happens, the reservation will no longer provide its status changes by the channel manager connection. Due to this, you may have a reservation inside your Hostaway software that shows a confirmed reservation but on's side and/or in Expedia partner central, it shows as canceled.
All types of channel manager software will be unable to detect these reservations so it is not a bug if it happens to you, it is how it works.
How to verify and what to do about it?
Below we outline several known events that can happen to a reservation and potential risks of getting removed for the API sync update.
Note: Always verify first if your Expedia listing has received or is still receiving other updates like price adjustments or the calendar being blocked due to an Airbnb reservation. If you see that Expedia doesn't update your listing, the listing might need to be remapped.
If you have any of the reservation cases below:
- A reservation on Expedia gets modified with new check-in and check-out dates
You need to manually change the reservation, so it reflects the changes and set the option freeze (which will free up the calendar). You could also add an owner stay to the dates the reservation is active (to block those dates for that reservation)
- A reservation on Expedia gets canceled
You can Edit the reservation and enable the Freeze option, this will prevent any further sync with the channel so you can modify the reservation as needed or let us know and we'll cancel the reservation from Hostaway to free up the calendar.
- A reservation on Expedia gets assigned to a different room, is marked as potentially fraudulent, or is canceled due to a failed payment to Expedia or the partners
In these cases when you have received an email from Expedia or were informed by the agent about these changes:
- Wait approximately 15-30 minutes before reviewing
- Login to your Hostaway account
- Go to the reservation menu and find the reservation
- Compare the new status, rates, etc. in Expedia partner central to the status inside Hostaway
It didn't update? Then you need to use the freeze option under the reservation detail view by clicking on the Edit button.
Using the freeze option
- In Hostaway under the menu reservation, find the Expedia reservation and open up the detailed view by clicking on the guest name
- Click on the top right corner of the edit button
- Under the tab Guest information, next to the Expedia channel name you see the option "Frozen reservation" that you activate with a switch button
- Click at the bottom of the save button to change its status in Hostaway to frozen. In this way, the reservation will ignore syncing with Expedia again and allow you to adjust it
- Do you need to adjust the reservation pricing? Click again on the edit button. You are now able to update the reservation
- After making the changes we always recommend verifying if your connected channel calendars received the updates after, depending on the channels, 10-60 minutes
Note: Freezing a reservation update will not freeze messaging. Freezing a reservation will only ignore any channel updates on reservation information and status changes.
Questions about this option? Feel free to contact Hostaway support for more information.