How to cancel your Hostaway account?
Sign in to your Hostaway account
Go to the Settings section
Select Account
Before deactivating your account please consider the following
Download/export all necessary data, including reservation data, before deactivating the Hostaway account otherwise, reservation data will be lost, as we don't keep reservation data after an account is deactivated
Disconnect/unmap all of your listings from all connected channels
Delete all of your listings and users
Once these steps are completed, click on the red button Deactivate Account
To assist you with your request, one of our dedicated Customer Success Managers will contact you shortly. Please provide feedback during this process, your insights are invaluable and help us to continually improve our services!
Hostaway's Cancellation Policy
Hostaway has a 30-day cancellation policy, which means that the full account cancellation process may take up to 30 days to complete. During these 30 days, Hostaway will work with you to ensure a smooth transition and provide any necessary assistance.