Can I export listings to Expedia?
Currently, there is no possibility to export Hostaway listings to Expedia. Listings will have to be created and updated in Expedia.
How can I update content-related listing information?
All content-related updates such as photos, descriptions, maximum numbers of guests, and contact information should be updated directly on the channel side, in Expedia Partner Central.
How can I manage my Length of Stay?
The Hostaway software allows you to update the Minimum Stay from the Dashboard on most channels. Expedia can receive minimum stay updates based on the limitations set within your Expedia account. Please note that Expedia only accepts LOS Minimum Stay up to 27 days! When you set a minimum stay for example of 100 days the software will sync to Expedia 27 days.
Can I message Expedia guests from the dashboard?
You can answer guest messages from Expedia in the dashboard as long as you have the guest's email address in the reservation details. This feature must be activated by contacting your contact at Expedia. To learn more please read this article.
If my guest changes their reservation room type, does that get reflected on the Hostaway Dashboard?
For some Expedia accounts, it is allowed for guests to change the listing they booked after reservation.
Currently, these room changes are not supported in the Channel Manager API. We recommend you make sure the guest cancels the reservation first and creates a completely new reservation for the correct room.
Does the Hostaway Dashboard import my latest listings from Expedia?
In the Hostaway Dashboard, you will be able to import your Expedia listings by following the next steps:
- Go to your Hostaway Dashboard > Channel Manager > Channels
- Select Expedia > Configure
- On the top right corner > Click on "+ Connect new Expedia property"
- Agree to Hostaway Terms & Conditions > Next
- Add your Expedia Property ID (Hotel ID) > Connect
- Hostaway will download all the room categories
- Map it's rooms to your Hostaway listings
- Make sure you assign all room categories!
- Done!
Can I handle guests' payments?
All guests' payments will be handled by you. You will receive the credit card details from Expedia and then we send the details to Stripe. Please ensure that you have a Stripe account set up for your business. To learn more please read this article.
What do the different reservation statuses mean?
Hostaway's message system features many different reservation statuses. Read more about what each one means: Reservations General Overview
How long does it take to sync with Expedia?
Hostaway has a fantastic connection with Expedia and as a result, we sync with them often. Read below for more information on the sync times: Channel Sync Timing
Why are Hostaway's calendar prices and/or availability not synchronized with Expedia?
If rate plans are changed on the Expedia side, you should re-sync the rates on the Hostaway Dashboard by following the next steps:
- Go to your Hostaway Dashboard > Channel Manager > Listings Mapping tab
- Select the Listing > Click on Settings
- Near the Expedia logo click on Re-sync
- Refresh your browser to see new plans
After that check that both Hostaway and Expedia calendar's availability and prices are correct.