How to use your own Domain for the Booking Engine?
This will require you to:
- Make a few settings on your Hostaway Dashboard
- Go to your domain provider and update some records
Please note that the Hostaway Support team is not responsible for setting up your DNS. If you need assistance in setting up your domain records, please contact your DNS provider to expedite the process.
Set up your own domain
- When setting up the Booking Engine, you will have the option of redirecting your own domain or sub-domain to your Hostaway Booking Engine.
- Go to Hostaway Dashboard > Booking Engine > Settings > Advanced
Use Hostaway’s prebuilt domain (
- Turn on the switch
- Choose a “subdomain name” (in this case myrentals)
- Hostaway website will be hosted in that subdomain
Use your own domain
Choose this option if you would like to display the Booking Engine on a main domain
We will use the example for the domain
Turn ON the switch for “Use your own domain”
Add your domain name without the “www”. For example
Save changes
Then you should go to the Domain Provider dashboard and
- Create/edit DNS record CNAME, with the name “www”. Copy/paste the CNAME from the Hostaway Dashboard which by default usually is (See image below). Copy directly from the Dashboard and not from this user guide to be sure you are copying the correct value
- Create/edit DNS A record, with the name “@”. Copy/paste the A record from the Hostaway Dashboard which by default usually is (See image below). Copy directly from the Dashboard and not from this user guide to be sure you are copying the correct value
Remove from DNS settings any AAAA records pointing to the main domain (in our example
Make sure you only have one A record for the domain/subdomain in the domain DNS Zone to avoid any issues with certificate creation
Use your own subdomain
Choose this option if you would like to display the booking engine on a subdomain (for example
When choosing this option, you should
Enter the subdomain and domain names. For example, if you would like the Booking Engine to appear on then under the subdomain you should enter “book” and under the domain “”
Save changes
Go to their Domain Provider dashboard and
Create/edit a DNS record CNAME, with the name “book” or whatever the subdomain is. Copy CNAME from Hostaway Dashboard which is expected to be the value
Steps to activate reCAPTCHA (v2)
Enter a Label to identify the site
On reCAPTCHA type
Select Challenge (v2) > “I’m not a robot” Checkbox
On Domains > Fill out the custom domain (e.g
Enter the site key in the Hostaway dashboard
Enter the secret key in the Hostaway dashboard
Save the changes
Wait 24 hours before the changes apply. It may take longer depending on the domain provider
- Changes could take up to 48 hours to be made depending on your domain provider
- You will need to activate Captcha
- Make sure you only have one A record for your domain, the same A record should apply automatically for the "naked" domain too (without the "www" prefix), otherwise, our system will not be able to process the SSL certificate.
- Make sure you don't have any AAAA or ALIAS records in your domain DNS Zone file otherwise, our system will not be able to process these changes
- Booking Engine pages that have payment links cannot be masked within a different URL, otherwise, the payment links will be greyed out for security purposes
- The Booking Engine cannot be used inside an iframe. A payment processing page should not be hidden inside another page for security reasons. What an iframe does is hide one URL inside another, which breaks security, and therefore the Booking Engine will not have the Book Now button active if it is used inside an iframe.
Some tools
- If you don't know who your domain provider is, use
- If you would like to check if your A record/CNAME is propagating properly, you can use
- Once changes have been made, you will need to check if it worked properly via Incognito Window (for Google Chrome) - Incognito Window will force your browser to check if the domain redirects properly to Hostaway Booking Engine (instead of relying on cache)