Vrbo Quotehold listings and Request to Book
Before, we had a timer of up to 24 hours to accept or decline reservation requests from Vrbo. Now, the timer will expire after 48 hours when you receive a reservation request from Vrbo. This will apply to listings that do not accept instant bookings on Vrbo, which they refer to as Quotehold listings.
How it works:
- We heavily encourage you to respond to reservation requests within 24 hours to avoid cancellation penalties if the reservation is canceled after this timeframe
- If a listing is not instant bookable, then every reservation will be created in Unconfirmed status, and you will have 48 hours to confirm or decline those reservations in Hostaway:
- If you decline the reservation, the reservation status will be changed to Canceled, and this cancellation is further fetched by Vrbo through the Booking Update Service. In this case, no penalties/service fees are charged
- If you approve, the status of the reservation will be changed to New on our side and this change is similarly further fetched by Vrbo through the Booking Update Service, making it a regularly Confirmed reservation on their side
- The timer will count for 48 hours starting when you get the reservation request from Vrbo
- Vrbo retrieves reservation updates every 12 hours from Hostaway, so after changing the status of the reservation on Hostaway, it might take 12 hours for the update to be reflected on Vrbo
- After 48 hours, if the reservation is Unconfirmed, it will be marked as Expired on Hostaway and a cancellation will be sent to Vrbo
Important: Reservations for Quotehold listings will block the calendar until they are approved
How to Approve or Deny reservations from non-instant-bookable listings?
- In Reservation. The status will be "Unconfirmed"
- To Approve/Decline you should open the reservation > Scroll down to the end of the Guest tab > Both buttons "Approve / Decline" will appear
The approval or decline will take a max of 12 hours to reach Vrbo as explained above: