The Homes and Villas by Marriott channel is newly available for our Early adopter customers. We invite customers to join the program when already listed on Marriott or wish to list their listing on the new channel.
- Please note that currently, you must have a minimum of 35 listings to be eligible for the program. As this is a channel requirement, you may contact them to find out the exact number of listings you require.
- In addition, Marriott Homes and Villas does not support multi-unit listings.
Starting with the program steps
- Inform Hostaway using this form about your interest in joining this program
- Once given access to Marriott your account is compatible with the Marriott program
- Fill in the form on this website and select Hostaway as your PMS
- Marriott will contact you by email to proceed with the next steps of evaluation. Your account is made compatible in case you are asked for security questions you can confirm
Setting your listings ready for Export
1. Under menu listings, you click on the edit button per listing - channel-specific and fill in a Marriott listing title
2. Once you have been approved by Marriott you will receive a so-called Marriott HMC Id
3. If you are exporting for the first time please share this HMC ID with us by submitting a request so we can activate the Marriot export feature on your account
4. You will be required to navigate to Channel Manager > Channels > Homes & Villas > Configure > Settings and enter the Marriott HMC ID:
Once done the channel will appear as active:
5. Then within Channel Manager > Channels > Homes & Villas > Configurations you can find the export button for each listing. When clicked, some validations are done to make sure that the Listing will pass the minimum requirements from Marriott:
Each property listing must include:
Unique Property Name (min 8 characters, max 255)
Listing ID (provided by the HVMI Integration team)
HMC ID (provided by the HVMI integration team)
Accurate property address
Property Description
Number of “rooms” > 0
Bedroom Arrangements are present (i.e., Bedroom with 1 Queen Bed, Living Room with Sleeper Sofa)
A minimum of 6 pictures with a minimum res of 500 x 800 (we recommend 20 pics)
A minimum of 5 Amenities
Cancellation policy (14, 30, 60 or 90 days)
At least 3 days of consecutive availability and nightly base pricing over the next 365 days
6. Once exported, within 72 hours on business days, the Marriott team will review its content before going live. If everything goes well, the listing will go from Off to Pending / On status, since Marriott has to approve (and sometimes curate) the listing:
When a listing is finally connected to Marriott (status On) Hostaway will sync any changes from listings every 3 hours. Active listings will have the option to add a markup when clicking on Settings and also to un-publish these listings by setting them to Off:
If your properties already exist in HVMB and you are migrating from another PMS and/or Connectivity Provider to Hostaway
Here are the steps required if you are migrating to Hostaway from another PMS or Connectivity Provider and you already have an HMC ID:
- HVMB needs to be notified of an upcoming system switch, whether it is a PMS or CP
- HVMB will send you a mapping sheet that links the new listing ID in Hostaway to the existing HVMB Listing ID. You will be required to complete it accordingly and send the updated mapping sheet to them
- Once HVMB completes the mapping, you will be notified that you can connect your listings through Hostaway
- If you are ONLY switching the PMS, a new HMC ID is not needed from HVMB
- If you are switching the channel manager a new HMC ID is needed and will be provided
- Once the listings are pushed to Homes & Villas through the new connection, their team will check that all content requirements are met and do a test booking for you to review and approve
- After a test booking is confirmed and there are no content issues, their team will re-publish the listings as live on their site
Note: No listings should be pushed through to Homes & Villas until after the HVMB team confirms that the mapping is completed. If the push is done before the mapping, duplicate listings will be created
Activating/Deactivating properties in Marriot (that are connected to Hostaway)
It is possible to deactivate or activate properties in Marriot from Hostaway, however, this action can only be performed by the Hostaway Support team. Please reach out to Support if any of these actions are needed.
Please remember
- You should not delete listings that are being exported to Marriott from the Hostaway platform.
- Export may take some time, within 72 hours on business days
- If you have any questions or findings before, during, or after setting up Marriott as a channel we are well interested to hear from you by submitting a request
- The program is in the beta stage which means that although this was tested in the best possible way, blockers or unforeseen issues should be expected
How to contact Marriott Homes and Villas?
If you are already live on Marriott
All live property managers get sent this information once they launch on Marriott - See the attached screenshot
- Matters relating to Listing Management & Inventory - reach out to:
- For matters relating to Financial Payment Process & Reconciliation - reach out to:
- Matters relating to Customer & Reservation - reach out to:
- Matters relating to Process & Procedure - reach out to: