Would like to have New Custom Views for Reservations
When you go to Financial Reports -> Rental Activity and then adjust your filters you can then save your filter set as a "New Custom View". You can then give it a name, and then from that point forward every time you go to Rental Activity, you can pull down the drop list and select the view you want to see. This helps me to navigate different views that are helpful.
What we need is to have the same kind of functionality under Reservations - Reservations.
Currently I have to continuously update the filters to see the different things I want to see. It would be awesome to have the same functionality with the ability to set a "New Custom View" here based on my filter set.
Then I could have one view for upcoming confirmed reservation without seeing all the inquiries. I could have another view that shows me who has not signed my rental agreements. And yet another view that shows me the payment status, etc.. you get the idea.
Then I could simply go to the Reservations section and use a drop down list to see the view I need to see quickly without always having to adjust the filters each time.
The functionality is already coded for Rental Activity so it seems like this would be an easy win for you guys.
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