Airbnb Resolution Request support
It would be very helpful to be able to manage Airbnb resolution center requests via Hostaway. We currently need to do that via Airbnb. We manage multiple Airbnb accounts, so whenever we need to do anything related to the Resolution Center on Airbnb, we need to sign in to the relevant Airbnb account and do it on there (requesting extra $ or partial refunds). This is not only an inefficient process that takes extra time, but it also introduces a security hole because we need to give everybody on the team access to the full Airbnb account. Basically, it renders the user-based permissions that we set on Hostaway useless because all users have full access to the Airbnb account anyways.
To anybody reading this, if you agree and also want this implemented, the please UPVOTE the request. Hostaway considers implementing the requests that have the most number of upvotes. The way to upvote is by clicking the small up arrow UNDER the "Follow" button. Following is a separate functionality that simply keeps you updates on the activity of the request, but doesn't actually cast a vote. So please UPVOTE.
Yes! Only the main Airbnb email address gets them!
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