How can I create a new Airbnb host account from Hostaway?
Can I connect more than one Airbnb account to the same Hostaway account?
Yes, you can. We suggest that you do the procedure using an incognito window for one account then log out of that Airbnb account and do the same procedure again in a new incognito window for the other accounts (that will separate cookies and allow you to connect correctly to the account you would like to connect).
Once connected to Airbnb Pro, can the Airbnb Basic (legacy) email address "" be changed?
This is a legacy connection. Yes, you can change it. We detailed the steps in this article on how to change the email address.
Can I have a Request to book in Airbnb using the new API?
Yes, you can. Hostaway is one of the first three-channel managers to incorporate this feature in the new API. Make sure in your Hostaway account that the option in the listing is set to “No” for “Is instant bookable”.
If it is set as Yes and you change it to NO you will need to export the listing in the Airbnb Pro connection. Airbnb will only send the First name.
What happens if I do not wish to set the Booking Window in Airbnb to All Future Dates?
Upon migration to the new Airbnb Pro API, the Booking Window on Airbnb will be automatically changed to All Future Dates. If you would like, you can set up a Booking Window.
Does the Sync status need to be Limited?
Yes. Do not change to Everything as it is not recommended. The sync should be either Limited or Price and Availability. It will be automatically configured after connection.
I cannot find all listings when clicking on "importing and mapping"
Please check the following:
- The listing is Unlisted (to show in "Import and mapping" the listing needs to be active)
- Listing is co-hosted
- Smart Pricing is on
If all requirements are met for the listing, please submit a request and we will be happy to help.
Can we import listings from Singapore?
This is a requirement on the Airbnb side, but yes, you should be able to import it if it is fully licensed on Airbnb.
Do I need to export iCal to Hostaway?
No, the integration using Airbnb Pro removes the need to use Airbnb iCal as all reservation communication is done through API. Note that all iCal set up in Airbnb will be removed once connected to Hostaway.
When I try to connect to the Airbnb account I receive an error stating "You may only authorize one property management app to manage your account"
Check if you have another application of another PMS connected (go to the profile pic on the top right corner of the page in Airbnb then go to Account > Privacy and Sharing > Connected apps), if so, you will need to remove it (migration can only go through if it is removed).
Will the rate import feature continue to work using the Airbnb Pro connection?
With the Pro connection, Airbnb will no longer allow prices to be fetched from the Airbnb listing calendar, therefore this feature will no longer be available. If you have a dynamic pricing tool you will need to connect it directly to Hostaway.
I would like to be able to respond as the Co-Host to guest messages through Airbnb. How can I do this through Hostaway?
You can do that as explained in the article Inbox: Overview in the section Airbnb co-host messaging capabilities.