Lead Time for Booking.com
If you want to avoid same-day bookings for Booking.com, there are two options you can set on your Booking.com Extranet portal: one from the calendar and the other one from the rate plan.
We strongly recommend that you set the Minimum Advance Reservation before connecting your listing to Hostaway.
If you've already connected to Hostaway but want to change the Minimum Advance Reservation, you can learn how to do it in the Booking.com rate plan.
Booking.com extranet - Calendar
On your Booking.com Extranet calendar, you can edit the Minimum Advance Reservation for specific rate plans and enter the desired number of days before the guest checks in. To learn more please read this article from Booking.com.
Booking.com Extranet - Rate Plan
You can also set your bookable time following the next steps:
- Go to your Booking.com Extranet > Rates & Availability
- From the dropdown > Select Rate Plans
- Select the Rate Plan > Edit
- Select Bookable > Edit
- Select "Set number of days before check-in"
- Enter the day(s) or more before check-in
- Save