Which are Hostaway-supported Payment Providers and how can I connect them?
Stripe | Braintree |
How to connect Braintree? |
What are the countries that the Payment Providers support?
Stripe | Braintree |
Stripe-supported countries | Braintree-supported countries |
Can I add several / Multiple customer cards to charge?
Stripe | Braintree |
Possible |
Not possible |
Can I connect a separate payment provider account on a listing level?
Stripe | Braintree |
Possible | Not possible |
Does Hostaway show the disputes that happened with payment providers?
Stripe | Braintree |
You can see in Hostaway which charges have a dispute | Disputes need to be dealt with from the Braintree dashboard |
Does Hostaway Receive Payment service processing fee data from the payment Provider?
Stripe | Braintree |
Yes, we receive the data |
We don’t have access to this data |
Payment Methods of Payment Providers?
Stripe | Braintree |
Cards (debit/credit) |
Cards (debit/credit) |
Good to Know about Preauth / Refundable Damage Deposit?
Stripe | Braintree |
Can I manually release the damage deposit / pre-auth via Hostaway?
Stripe | Braintree |