Connect multiple Vrbo accounts
For each Vrbo account:
- You will need to contact Vrbo and fill out the contact form: signed content API contract.
- Listings cannot be migrated between Vrbo accounts. If you have already exported the listing to Vrbo from Hostaway to one Vrbo account, you cannot export it again to another Vrbo account.
You can find all the detailed steps on how to connect Hostaway to Vrbo (reminder: these steps need to be followed for each Vrbo account you would like to create): Connect to Vrbo API
Connect multiple Vrbo accounts to one Hostaway account
- Go to your Hostaway Dashboard > Channel Manager > Channels > Click on Vrbo > Configure
- Click on Manage Vrbo Accounts > Enter a name, and press the Add button:
- The account name can be edited by pressing the pencil button next to it
Under the account name, you will see the advertiser ID. This is the ID that needs to be provided to Vrbo when connecting the account to Hostaway. The advertiser ID contains the Hostaway account ID and an extra number that goes up consecutively
The new account ID will only be recognized by Vrbo on the API contract once you have exported listings under the account to Vrbo
- Export your listings to Vrbo accounts
- Each listing can only be exported once to a Vrbo account and property, it is not possible to re-export the same listing to a different Vrbo account or property (even if already disconnected from Vrbo), it would be necessary to recreate the listing in Hostaway so it can be exported as a new listing to a different Vrbo account and the corresponding property.
- When selecting a Vrbo account from the dropdown, we only show the listings that are:
- Mapped to that Vrbo account
- Are not mapped to any Vrbo account at all