The Hostaway Search Bar

The search bar feature allows you to quickly find important information such as:
- Reservations
- Listings
- Users
What can you search for?
You can search the below sub-topics in relation to Reservations, Listings and Users:
- Guest name
- Guest email address
- Guest Phone
- Reservation ID (internal + external)
- Listing name
- Listing ID
- Description
- City
- Tags (only 1)
- User name
- User email address
Any word existing in any of the above fields will make a match.
Search outcomes
- Clicking on the name will send you to the reservation detail page
- The listing name and ID will also be available and clickable within the search result for each reservation
- Edit: It will take you to the reservation edit page
- Calendar: redirects you to the monthly calendar for the check-in month of that reservation
- Guest portal: redirects you to the guest portal link of that reservation
- Messages: redirects you to the message thread of that reservation
- Clicking on the listing will redirect you to the listing page
- Edit: edit that listing page
- Calendar: redirects you to the monthly calendar for that listing, the current month
- Reservations: redirects you to the reservations page, filtered by that listing
- Clicking on the name will redirect you to the user details
- Edit: edit the user