How to cancel an Airbnb reservation?
When canceling an Airbnb reservation from Hostaway, you will be notified of the cancellation penalty amount. You will have to provide a reason and, in some cases, a sub-reason and a message to Airbnb. Only confirmed Airbnb reservations can be canceled via Hostaway.
To cancel an Airbnb reservation please follow the next steps:
- In a confirmed Airbnb reservation > Click on the Cancel Reservation button at the top right of the reservation page
- A pop-up will be displayed displaying
- The penalty amount
- Reason. After selecting a reason, a sub-reason might be displayed
- Message to Airbnb. A message was sent to Airbnb staff, explaining the cancellation. For some sub-reasons, it is mandatory to send a message to Airbnb
- Message to Guest. A message was sent to the guest, explaining the reasons for the cancellation
After providing the required details the reservation will be canceled and the reservation status will be updated.