How to add your Hostaway iCals to your Google Calendar?
You can find more information about iCal here.
Information that will sync via iCal
- Number of Guests
- Total price
- Number of Nights
- Channel
- Check-in & Check-out
Find your listing iCal
- Go to Listing > Click on the listing iCal
- Exclude the options that are not required
- Click on Copy the iCal link
Import this iCal into your Google Calendar
Import using the iCal link
- Go to your Google Calendar
- On the left side, for the Other Calendars, click on the +
- Then click on Form URL
- Paste the URL
- Click on Add calendar
Import using iCal file
- Open a new tab and paste the link you just copied > Click on Enter > A file will be downloaded
- Go to your Google Calendar
- On the left side, for the Other Calendars, click on the +
- Then click on Import
- Select the file you want to import
- Don't forget to click on Import